Theology Lite?
Fr Greg Jones of the Anglican Centrist wrote this post almost a year ago which only recently came to my attention. It concerns the religious scholars Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, Elaine Pagels, plus the retired bishop of Newark John Shelby Spong. These folks collectively could be considered The Four Horsemen (Horsepersons?) of Jesus Seminar pop theology. Their overall agenda, IMHO, is to accommodate Christianity to liberal secularism by watering down the former without trying to engage in an authentic dialog with the latter. They either deny traditional Christian beliefs outright or render them less offensive to secularist sensibilities by reinterpreting them as rather toothless metaphors (this last being Borg's modus operandi). Anyway, read and reflect.
For various reasons I got the piece off another site, Creedal Christian, which is worth a gander or two in its own right.