
Lancelot Andrewes on Theosis and Eucharist  

Posted by Joe Rawls in , ,

For today's commemoration of Bishop Andrewes we have a passage from a 1605 Christmas sermon preached before King James I.  It well illustrates Andrewes as a theologian with very deep catholic and patristic roots.  It can be found, along with much other useful information on Andrewes, on the Anglican Eucharistic Theology website, accessible under the "Anglicans" section of the outer sidebar.

For "the Word" He is, and in the word he is received by us.  But that is not the proper of this day, unless there be another joined unto it.  This day Verbum caro factum est, and so must be "apprehended" in both.  But specially in His flesh as this day giveth it, as this day would have us.  Now "the bread which we break, is it not the partaking of the body, of the flesh, of Jesus Christ?"  It is, surely, and by it and by nothing more are we made patakers of this blessed union.  A little before He said, because the children were partakers of flesh and blood, He also would take part with them--may we not say the same?  Because he hath so done, taken ours of us, we also ensuing His steps will participate with Him and with His flesh which He hath taken of us.  It is most kindly to take part with Him in that which He took part in with us, and that, to no other end, but that He might make the receiving of it by us a means whereby He might "dwell in us and we in Him".

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